N.D. Cent. Code § 65-05-36

Current through 2023 Legislative Sessions
Section 65-05-36 - Preferred worker program - Continuing appropriation

For purposes of this section, "preferred worker" means a worker who has incurred a compensable injury that resulted in a disability that poses a substantial obstacle to employment. The organization may provide assistance as determined appropriate to preferred workers or employers who employ a preferred worker. In addition, employers who apply for and are approved as a preferred worker employer may not be assessed premiums on a preferred worker's salary for three years from the date of hiring. The organization may not charge claims costs incurred as a result of an injury sustained by a preferred worker against the preferred worker's employer's account during the first three years after the worker is hired. The organization shall charge those claims costs to the general fund. The organization may adopt rules to regulate and manage the preferred worker program authorized by this section. An employer or preferred worker may not appeal an organization decision not to provide assistance to that employer or preferred worker under this section. Money in the workforce safety and insurance fund is appropriated on a continuing basis to provide the assistance authorized under this section.

N.D.C.C. § 65-05-36