N.D. Cent. Code § 61-35-81

Current through 2023 Legislative Sessions
Section 61-35-81 - County treasurer to certify and receipt for amount of special assessments collected - Contents of certificate - Procedure for abatement

Special assessments of any kind certified to the county auditor by the district treasurer must be paid to the county treasurer and included in the receipt required by section 57-20-08. If the county treasurer receives less than the full amount of taxes and special assessments due at any time on any lot or tract of real estate, the county treasurer shall allocate the amount of such payment between taxes and special assessments in proportion to the respective amounts of taxes and special assessments which are then due. When prorating any tax payment received before October fifteenth, the term "due", as it pertains to real estate taxes, includes only the first installment of real estate taxes. Special assessments are not subject to abatement or refund by proceedings under chapter 57-32 but may be reviewed and corrected only in the manner and upon the conditions provided in chapter 40-26. The county treasurer, at the time set by law for the payment to the district treasurer of all the taxes and special assessments collected during the preceding month, shall certify the amounts of special assessments collected. The certificate must state specifically the lot or known subdivision as it appears on the tax books of the county treasurer, and the block, addition, amount collected, and amount credited to each lot or known subdivision, and the year for which the sum was collected. The certificate must be furnished to the district treasurer.

N.D.C.C. § 61-35-81