N.D. Cent. Code § 61-35-58
Upon the filing of the engineer's report provided for in section 61-35-54, and after satisfying the requirements of section 61-35-55, the district board shall fix a date and place for public hearing on the proposed project. The place of hearing must be in the vicinity of the proposed project and must be convenient and accessible for the majority of the landowners subject to assessment for the project or whose property is subject to condemnation for the proposed project. The board shall cause a complete list of the benefits and assessments to be made, setting forth each county, township, or city assessed in its corporate capacity as well as each lot, piece, or parcel of land assessed, the amount each is benefited by the improvement, and the amount assessed against each. At least ten days before the hearing, the board shall file with the county auditor of each county in which the project is or will be located the list showing the percentage assessment and approximate assessment in dollars against each parcel of land benefited by the proposed project. Notice of the filing must be included in the notice of hearing. Notices of the hearing must contain a copy of the resolution of the board as well as the time and place where the board will conduct the hearing. The notice of hearing must specify when and where votes concerning the proposed project may be filed and contain an assessment list showing the percentage assessment and approximate assessment in dollars against each parcel of land benefited by the proposed project. The board shall cause the notice of hearing to be published once a week for two consecutive weeks in newspapers of general circulation in the area in which the affected landowners reside and in the official county newspaper of each county in which the benefited lands are located. The date set for the hearing may not be fewer than twenty days after the mailing of the notice. A record of the hearing must be made by the board, including a list of affected landowners present in person or by agent, and the record must be preserved in the minutes of the meeting. Affected landowners and the governing body of any county, township, or city to be assessed must be informed at the hearing of the probable total cost of the project and their individual share of the cost and the portion of their property, if any, to be condemned for the project.
N.D.C.C. § 61-35-58