N.D. Cent. Code § 58-03-13

Current through 2023 Legislative Sessions
Section 58-03-13 - Township zoning commissions - Membership - Reports and recommendations - District boundaries - Hearings - Notice

The board of township supervisors of a township desiring to avail itself of the powers conferred by sections 58-03-11 through 58-03-15 shall establish, by resolution, a township zoning commission to recommend the boundaries of the various township zoning districts and appropriate regulations and restrictions to be established therein. Membership of the commission must consist of three township supervisors and two members appointed from the municipalities concerned in relation to which the zoning is contemplated. Where the area to be regulated and restricted is situated in two or more townships, a joint zoning commission may be established. Membership of a joint zoning commission must consist of two township supervisors from each township and two members from the municipality in relation to which the zoning is contemplated. A zoning commission shall make a preliminary report and hold public hearings before submitting its final report and recommendations to the board or boards of township supervisors. The board or boards of township supervisors may establish, and from time to time change, the boundaries of township zoning districts and establish, amend, supplement, and enforce regulations and restrictions in the districts. No regulation, restriction, or boundaries become effective until after a public hearing at which parties in interest and citizens have an opportunity to be heard. At least fifteen days' notice of the time and place of the hearing must be published in the official newspaper of the county and also in the official newspaper of the municipality in relation to which the zoning action is taken, if in the municipality an official newspaper other than the official newspaper of the county is published. The description of any land within any zoning district established by a zoning commission together with any regulations and restrictions established must be filed with the governing bodies of the township and municipalities concerned, and if amendments are made to the boundaries of the zoning district or the regulations or restrictions, the amendments must be filed in the same manner. A zoning commission established under this section and a board of township supervisors shall state the grounds upon which any request for a zoning amendment or variance is approved or disapproved, and written findings upon which the decision is based must be included within the records of the commission or board.

N.D.C.C. § 58-03-13