N.D. Cent. Code § 54-03-04

Current through 2023 Legislative Sessions
Section 54-03-04 - Organizational session - Calling to order - Officers - Term of office - Officers and chairmen to remain in office during special session

The secretary and officers of the senate and chief clerk and officers of the house serving at the close of a regular session, unless otherwise removed, shall remain in office until the first day of the organizational session. On the first day of the organizational session, at a time scheduled by the legislative management pursuant to section 54-03.1-02, the president of the senate and the speaker of the house from the previous session, if re-elected, or in the speaker's absence a member of the majority party of the house with seniority based upon terms of service in the house, shall call the members of their respective houses so enrolled to order. In the absence of the president of the senate, the president pro tempore shall call the members of the senate to order. In the absence of both the president of the senate and the president pro tempore, then some member or other person selected by the members present shall call the members of the senate to order. If the speaker of the house from the previous session is not re-elected and if no party has a majority in the house, the member of the house with seniority based upon terms of service in the house shall call the house to order. If two or more members of the house are tied for seniority and seniority is a factor in determining who shall call the house to order, the persons so tied for seniority shall draw lots to determine who shall call the house to order. The members of the respective houses then may proceed to the election of the necessary officers. The secretary and officers of the senate and chief clerk and officers of the house of representatives, and the chairmen of all procedural and substantive standing legislative committees shall continue to serve in those positions during any special legislative session which may be called, except in case of the death, resignation, or removal of one of those persons, whereupon the position must be filled, upon the convening of the special session, in the manner provided by law or legislative rule. Members serving on procedural or substantive standing committees of the senate or house during a regular session shall continue to serve on those committees during any special legislative session which may be called following that regular session.

N.D.C.C. § 54-03-04