N.D. Cent. Code § 53-12.1-04

Current through 2023 Legislative Sessions
Section 53-12.1-04 - Advisory commission - Penalty
1. There is created the lottery advisory commission, which is composed of five members, three of whom are legislators selected by the chairman of the legislative management and two of whom are selected by the attorney general. The term of office is three years, expiring on June thirtieth with no more than two terms expiring in any one year. Each member must be a citizen of the United States and a resident of this state. A chairman of the commission must be chosen annually from the membership of the commission by a majority of its members at the first meeting of the commission each fiscal year. A member may serve as chairman for more than one year.
2. The lottery advisory commission shall meet at least once a quarter and any additional meetings as the chairman deems necessary. Special meetings may be called by the chairman upon the written request of the director or any three members of the commission.
3. The lottery advisory commission shall advise the director and attorney general on policy and general operation of the lottery and shall serve as the audit committee.
4. A member of the lottery advisory commission who is not a permanent full-time state employee is to be compensated at a rate of seventy-five dollars per day and entitled to mileage and expenses as provided by law for state employees. A state employee who is a member of the commission must receive that employee's regular salary and is entitled to mileage and expenses, to be paid by the employing agency.
5. No member of the lottery advisory commission, employee of the lottery, or any individual who regularly resides in the same household as either of those individuals may directly or indirectly, individually, as a partner of a partnership, or a stockholder, director, or officer of a corporation, have an interest in the gaming system or advertising agency vendor of the lottery. A knowing violation of this subsection is a class B misdemeanor.

N.D.C.C. § 53-12.1-04