N.D. Cent. Code § 52-06-29

Current through 2023 Legislative Sessions
Section 52-06-29 - Payment of benefits

Benefits must be promptly paid in accordance with a determination or redetermination regardless of any appeal or pending appeal. If a determination allowing benefits is affirmed in any amount by an appeals referee or is so affirmed by the bureau or if a decision of an appeals referee allowing benefits is affirmed in any amount by the bureau, such benefits must be promptly paid regardless of any further appeal and no injunction, supersedeas, stay, or other writ or process suspending the payment of such benefits may be issued by any court but if such decision is finally reversed, no employer's account may be charged with benefits so paid pursuant to the erroneous determination, except on those employer accounts which make payments in lieu of contributions, and benefits may not be paid for any subsequent weeks of unemployment involved in such reversal. Benefits due and payable to a deceased or judicially declared incompetent person may be paid in accordance with such regulations as the bureau shall prescribe, to the person or persons, payment to whom the bureau finds would effectuate the purposes of the North Dakota unemployment compensation law. Such regulations need not conform to the statutes applicable to the descent and distribution of decedents' estates. A receipt from the person or persons to whom the bureau makes payment shall fully discharge the fund and the bureau from liability for such benefits.

N.D.C.C. § 52-06-29