N.D. Cent. Code § 51-25.1-05

Current through 2023 Legislative Sessions
Section 51-25.1-05 - Penalties - Remedies
1. In addition to any other civil or criminal remedy provided by law, upon a determination that a distributor has violated subsection 4, 6, 7, 8, or 9 of section 51-25.1-02 or subsection 1 or 4 of section 51-25.1-04, or any rule adopted under those subsections, the attorney general may revoke the license of a distributor in the manner provided by section 57-36-04. Each sale or offer to sell cigarettes in violation of subsection 4 of section 51-25.1-02 constitutes a separate violation. For each violation, the attorney general may impose a civil penalty in an amount not to exceed five hundred percent of the retail value of the cigarettes sold or five thousand dollars, whichever is greater, upon a determination of violation of subsection 4 of section 51-25.1-02 or any rules adopted under that subsection.
2. Any cigarettes sold, offered for sale, or possessed for sale in this state, or imported for personal consumption in this state in violation of subsection 4 of section 51-25.1-02 are deemed contraband and are subject to seizure, by a law enforcement officer, and forfeiture as follows:
a. Upon the seizure of the cigarettes, and within two days thereafter, the law enforcement officer making the seizure shall deliver an inventory of the cigarettes seized to the person from whom the seizure was made, if known, and shall file a copy of the inventory with the attorney general.
b. Within ten days after the date of service of the inventory, the person from whom the seizure was made, or any other person claiming an interest in the cigarettes seized, may file a demand with the attorney general for a judicial determination of the issues of whether the cigarettes seized were, or lawfully are, subject to seizure and forfeiture. Within thirty days of the date of a timely demand, the attorney general shall institute an action in the district court of the county in which the seizure was made for a determination of the issues. The action must be brought by the attorney general in the name of the state. The district court shall hear the action and determine the issues of fact and law.
c. If a judgment of forfeiture is entered, the attorney general shall destroy the forfeited cigarettes unless the judgment is stayed pending an appeal to the supreme court.
d. If a demand for a judicial determination is made, and in the absence of an action commenced under this section or a stipulated settlement, the attorney general shall release the seized cigarettes to the person entitled to the cigarettes.
e. If a demand for judicial determination is not made, the seized cigarettes must be deemed forfeited to the state by operation of law and the cigarettes must be destroyed.
3. The attorney general may seek an injunction to restrain a threatened or actual violation of subsection 4, 7, 8, 9, or 10 of section 51-25.1-02 or subsection 1 or 4 of section 51-25.1-04 by any person and to compel the person to comply with this subsection. In an action brought under this section, the state is entitled to recover the costs of investigation, costs of the action, and reasonable attorney's fees.
4. A person may not sell, distribute, acquire, hold, own, possess, transport, import, or cause to be imported cigarettes the person knows or should know are intended for distribution or sale in the state in violation of subsection 4, 7, 8, 9, or 10 of section 51-25.1-02. A violation of this subsection is a class A misdemeanor.

N.D.C.C. § 51-25.1-05

Amended by S.L. 2023 , ch. 448( HB 1274 ), § 6, eff. 8/1/2023.
Added by S.L. 2021 , ch. 383( SB 2259 ), § 1, eff. 8/1/2021.