N.D. Cent. Code § 51-23-23

Current through 2023 Legislative Sessions
Section 51-23-23 - Remedies

Every sale or contract for sale made in violation of this chapter, or of any rule or order issued by the commissioner under this chapter, is voidable at the election of the purchaser. The person making a sale or contract for sale, and every director, officer, salesperson, or agent of or for the person who participated or aided in any way in making the sale is jointly and severally liable to the purchaser. The purchaser may sue either to recover the full amount paid by the purchaser and any court costs, interest at a rate consistent with section 47-14-05, and reasonable attorney's fees, less the amount of any income received on the commodities upon tender to the seller of the commodities sold or of the contracts made. If the person no longer owns the commodities, the person may sue for damages that would be recoverable upon a tender, less the value of the commodities when the purchaser disposed of the commodities and interest from the date of disposition. However:

1. No action may be brought under this section for the recovery of the purchase price after five years from the date of the sale or contract for sale.
2. No purchaser may claim or have the benefit of this section if the purchaser refused or failed to accept, within thirty days from the date of the offer, an offer in writing of the seller to take back the commodity contract in question and to refund the full amount paid by the purchaser, together with interest on the amount for the period from the date of payment by the purchaser to the date of repayment.
3. This chapter does not limit any statutory or common-law right of any person in any court for any act involved in the sale of commodities.

N.D.C.C. § 51-23-23