No provision in any of the laws of this state, relating to the proof and acknowledgment of instruments and the taking of affidavits, shall be construed to invalidate or affect the proof or acknowledgment, affidavit, or the certificate thereof, of any instrument to which a corporation or limited liability company may be a party and which shall have been or may be proven, acknowledged, sworn to before, or certified to by, an officer, manager, or person authorized by law, who may be an officer, director, governor, manager, employee, stockholder, or member of such corporation or limited liability company. No person otherwise qualified or authorized by law to take and receive the proof or acknowledgment of an instrument or affidavit and to certify thereto shall be disqualified by reason of being an officer, director, employee, or stockholder of any corporation or a manager, governor, employee, or member of any limited liability company which is a party to such instrument, and such proof, acknowledgment, and certificate thereof shall be valid for all purposes.
N.D.C.C. § 47-19-34