N.D. Cent. Code § 44-08-04.2

Current through 2023 Legislative Sessions
Section 44-08-04.2 - Travel advances
1. Any state agency shall advance at the request of the agency head for employees of that agency funds to be used for payment of meal and lodging expenses incurred while the official or employee is traveling on official business of this state, provided that such travel must be planned to be in excess of five days per month, whether or not consecutive, and provided that the funds advanced do not exceed eighty percent of estimated expenses for the period. Travel advances must be approved by the chief executive officer or a designee of the agency involved. Funds advanced for meals and lodging under this section must be accounted for as required under section 44-08-04 for travel.
2. As used in this section, and section 44-08-04.1:
a. "Official business of this state" includes travel to attend training courses.
b. "State agency" means agencies, boards, commissions, bureaus, offices, departments, institutions, and any other state governmental entities, and specifically includes the legislative and judicial branches of state government.

N.D.C.C. § 44-08-04.2