Current through 2023 Legislative Sessions
Section 43-15.3-10 - Retail medical gas retailers - Reciprocity1. A person may not sell or deliver medical gases and related medical equipment directly to a consumer unless licensed by the board as a retail medical gas retailer. a. As a term of licensure under this section, a licensee shall employ or contract with an in-state licensed respiratory therapist or other health care professional authorized by that professional's practice act to prescribe or administer the medical gases and related medical equipment. The applicant shall furnish on the application the name and license number of the individual or licensee the applicant employees or with which the applicant contracts. Within thirty days of a change, a retailer shall provide the board with notice of any change in the licensee.b. A retail medical gas retailer may sell or deliver to a patient's home medical gases and related equipment in accordance with a practitioner's prescription or drug order. The retail medical gas retailer shall keep the original drug order or an electronic copy of each drug order at the licensed location or must have available for inspection an electronic copy of the original drug order or electronic copy of the drug order. A prescription or drug order is not valid after one year, except a prescription or order for maintenance equipment may be perpetual. A retail medical gas retailer shall maintain a prescription or drug order for five years.2. An out-of-state retail medical gas retailer or a principal or agent of the retailer may not conduct business in this state unless the retailer is licensed by the board as a retail medical gas retailer, paid the fee required by the board, and is registered with the secretary of state. An applicant shall submit an application for a license on a form furnished by the board and the application must be accompanied by a copy of the certificate of authority from the secretary of state. The issuance of a license under this section does not change or affect tax liability imposed by this state on an out-of-state medical gas retailer.3. The board may adopt rules that permit an out-of-state retail medical gas retailer to obtain a license on the basis of reciprocity if the retailer possesses a valid license granted by another jurisdiction and the legal standards for licensure in the other jurisdiction are comparable to the standards under this chapter and if the other jurisdiction extends reciprocity to retail medical gas retailers licensed in this state. However, if the requirements for licensure under this chapter are more restrictive than the standards of the other jurisdiction, the out-of-state retail medical gas retailer shall comply with the additional requirements of this chapter to obtain a license under this chapter.Added by S.L. 2013, ch. 322 (SB 2342),§ 8, eff. 7/1/2013.