N.D. Cent. Code § 40-57.1-04.3

Current through 2023 Legislative Sessions
Section 40-57.1-04.3 - Property tax exemption on speculative industrial buildings and properties owned by a local development organization

A municipality may, in its discretion, grant partial or complete exemption from ad valorem taxation on buildings, structures, and improvements constructed and owned by a local development organization for the express purpose of attracting new industry to this state. This exemption from ad valorem taxation is only available on new buildings, structures, and improvements while they remain unoccupied. Once the building, structure, or improvement is occupied, the exemption continues until the next annual assessment date following the first occupancy. This section does not affect the eligibility for property tax exemption of a business available under other provisions of this chapter, provided application for the tax exemption is granted prior to occupancy. A written request for the exemption is to be filed by the local development organization with the municipality. The request will be reviewed at an official meeting of the governing body and will be placed on the agenda for final action at the next official meeting. The governing body of the municipality shall notify the county director of tax equalization with respect to any exemption granted under this section.

N.D.C.C. § 40-57.1-04.3