N.D. Cent. Code § 40-57.1-01

Current through 2023 Legislative Sessions
Section 40-57.1-01 - Declaration and finding of public purpose

The legislative assembly declares and finds that it is and has been its purpose in preparing and adopting the provisions of this chapter to sanction, authorize, and encourage activities in the public interest and for the welfare of the state, its subdivisions, and people by assisting in the establishment of additional industrial plants, the expansion and retention of existing business, and promotion of economic activities within the state and thereby increasing production of wealth and adding to the volume of employment, particularly during those seasons when employment in farming and ranching is slack, thus alleviating unemployment among the people of the state.

It is the intent of the legislative assembly that political subdivisions and the state board of equalization in their determination of whether the tax exemptions authorized by this chapter shall be granted shall give due weight to their impact and effect upon existing industry and business to the end that an unfair advantage shall not be given to new or expanded enterprises which is to the substantial detriment of existing enterprises.

N.D.C.C. § 40-57.1-01