- Section 40-45-01 - Funding for police pension fund
- Section 40-45-02 - [Repealed]
- Section 40-45-03 - Composition and membership
- Section 40-45-04 - Acceptance of money, property, and rewards by the board - Limitations
- Section 40-45-05 - Police pension fund - How established
- Section 40-45-06 - Investment of surplus funds - Limitations
- Section 40-45-07 - Tax levy may be discontinued when fund sufficient
- Section 40-45-08 - Membership fees and assessments
- Section 40-45-09 - Who may be retired on pension - Amount paid to retiring member - Retiring member not paid
- Section 40-45-10 - Period of service spent in armed forces to be included as service in department
- Section 40-45-10.1 - Purchase of legislative service credit
- Section 40-45-11 - Eligibility for retirement because of disability
- Section 40-45-12 - Assignment of retired members to light duties in police department
- Section 40-45-13 - Payments to surviving spouse, children, and surviving parents upon death of active or retired member
- Section 40-45-14 - Definitions for benefit purposes
- Section 40-45-15 - Right to retirement once acquired cannot be lost
- Section 40-45-16 - Increase of assessments by city having police retirement system based upon actuarial tables
- Section 40-45-17 - [Repealed]
- Section 40-45-18 - Qualification under Social Security Act authorized - Reduction of retirement benefits
- Section 40-45-19 - Re-examination of retired member physically or mentally disabled - Notice - Witnesses
- Section 40-45-20 - Decision on re-examination is final - Exception
- Section 40-45-21 - Police department employees entitled to refund from fund upon termination of employment with city
- Section 40-45-22 - Warrants on pension fund - Treasurer's report - Contents
- Section 40-45-23 - [Repealed]
- Section 40-45-24 - Cities may provide hospitalization and nursing for police department - How cost paid - Exception
- Section 40-45-25 - Hours of duty of police officers in cities over ten thousand population - Limitations - Exceptions
- Section 40-45-26 - Question of continuance of police pension plan
- Section 40-45-27 - Procedure upon discontinuance of police pension plan
- Section 40-45-28 - Pension cost of living increase
- Section 40-45-29 - Pension cost of living decrease