N.D. Cent. Code § 40-28-01

Current through 2023 Legislative Sessions
Section 40-28-01 - Connections with sewers and other mains - Service connections

The governing body of a municipality, when it shall deem it necessary, by resolution, may require the owners of all property abutting on any street, avenue, or alley to construct or cause to be constructed, at the expense of and as a charge against the property fronting on such street, avenue, or alley, the connections from any sewer, water main, gas main, steam or other pipe, wire cable, conduit, or other service connection pipe or wire under the surface of such street, avenue, or alley to a point inside of the curb line on either or both sides of such street, avenue, or alley at such intervals along the whole length thereof as may be necessary to supply and serve each lot, part of lot, or parcel of land in accordance with the municipal ordinance governing the laying and construction of such connections. A resolution may be adopted pursuant to this section requiring the service connection to be made at the time of the laying and construction of the sewer, main, pipe, cable, conduit, or wire, as a part of the contract for laying and constructing the same, or at any subsequent time.

N.D.C.C. § 40-28-01