N.D. Cent. Code § 28-24-03

Current through 2023 Legislative Sessions
Section 28-24-03 - Redemption by redemptioner - Notice to be recorded

A redemptioner shall give a written notice of redemption to the sheriff and at the same time shall record a duplicate in the office of the county recorder of the county where the land is situated. The redemptioner must state in the notice of redemption an amount that the redemptioner will credit on the claim on making redemption. If the amount stated in the notice is less than the amount of the lien under which the redemptioner makes redemption, a later redemptioner having a subordinate lien may redeem from the earlier redemptioner by paying the amount paid by that redemptioner, and interest at the same rate as provided in the original instrument on which the judgment is based, together with the amount stated by the first redemptioner in the notice. The amount stated by a redemptioner in the notice must be treated as a payment of that amount on the indebtedness and the redemptioner immediately shall endorse that on the evidence of the claim. If the claim is a judgment, the redemptioner shall cause a statement of that amount to be entered by the clerk of court in the judgment docket. That credit is conditional and must be canceled on proof of a further redemption by the debtor or by a redemptioner having a prior right, without payment of the amount credited.

N.D.C.C. § 28-24-03