N.D. Cent. Code § 26.1-40-17.1

Current through 2023 Legislative Sessions
Section 26.1-40-17.1 - Motor vehicle liability policy - Rental vehicles covered
1. Every motor vehicle liability insurance policy, as required by section 39-08-20, covering noncommercial private passenger motor vehicles must provide that all of the obligation for damage and loss of use to a rented private passenger vehicle will be covered by the property damage liability portion of the policy and subject to that policy limit. The obligation of the policy must not be contingent on fault or negligence of the insured. For purposes of this section, private passenger motor vehicle includes station wagons, minivans, vans, and pickups, and does not include motor homes, motorcycles, or trucks other than pickups.
2. A vehicle is rented for purposes of this section if the vehicle is rented under an agreement for thirty continuous days or less.
3. The policy or certificate issued by the insurer must inform the insured of the application of the insurance policy to rental vehicles and that the insured may not need to purchase additional coverage from the rental company.
4. If an insured has two or more vehicles covered by a plan or plans of liability insurance containing the rented motor vehicle coverage required under subsection 1, the insured may select the policy that the insured wishes to collect from and the insurer that issued that plan is entitled to a pro rata contribution from any other plan or insurers based upon the property damage limits of liability. If the person renting the motor vehicle is also covered by that person's employer's insurance policy or the employer's automobile self-insurance plan, the insurer or obligor under the employer's policy or self-insurance plan has primary responsibility to pay claims arising from use of the rented vehicle.
5. A notice advising the insured of rental vehicle coverage must be given by the insurer to each current insured with their first renewal notice following July 6, 1989. The notice must be approved by the insurance commissioner. The commissioner may specify the form of the notice.
6. A rental car company may not require as a condition to its rental contract that the renter make a deposit for a prior payment of damage to the rented vehicle or loss of use of that vehicle.
7. For each day a damaged vehicle is out of service because of damage to the vehicle while rented to others, the rental car company is entitled to collect sixty percent of the daily rental fee applicable to the contract in force when the car was damaged, but not to exceed fifteen days.

N.D.C.C. § 26.1-40-17.1