- Section 26.1-36-01 - Scope
- Section 26.1-36-01.1 - Scope - Accident and health insurance policy mandates
- Section 26.1-36-01.2 - Examinations
- Section 26.1-36-02 - Accident and health insurance policy defined
- Section 26.1-36-02.1 - Accident and health policies and certificates - Notice of free examination
- Section 26.1-36-02.2 - Individual health plans - Open enrollment periods - Rules
- Section 26.1-36-03 - Form of policy
- Section 26.1-36-03.1 - Information disclosure
- Section 26.1-36-04 - Accident and health policy provisions
- Section 26.1-36-05 - Group health policy or service contract standard provisions
- Section 26.1-36-06 - Group health policy and medical service contract options for drugs and chiropractic care
- Section 26.1-36-06.1 - Coverage for off-label uses of drugs
- Section 26.1-36-07 - Health insurance coverage for newborn and adopted children - Scope of coverage - Notification of birth or adoption
- Section 26.1-36-08 - Group health policy and health service contract substance abuse coverage
- Section 26.1-36-08.1 - Alternative group health policy and health service contract substance abuse coverage
- Section 26.1-36-09 - Group health policy and health service contract mental disorder coverage
- Section 26.1-36-09.1 - Health insurance policy and health service contract - Mammogram examination coverage
- Section 26.1-36-09.2 - Health insurance policy and health service contract - Involuntary complications of pregnancy coverage
- Section 26.1-36-09.3 - Coverage for treatment of certain disorders
- Section 26.1-36-09.4 - [Repealed]
- Section 26.1-36-09.5 - Service of advanced registered nurse practitioner - Direct reimbursement required
- Section 26.1-36-09.6 - Health insurance policy and health service contract - Prostate-specific antigen test coverage
- Section 26.1-36-09.7 - Foods and food products for inherited metabolic diseases
- Section 26.1-36-09.8 - Health insurance policy and health service contract - Postdelivery coverage for mothers and newborns
- Section 26.1-36-09.9 - Dental anesthesia and hospitalization coverage
- Section 26.1-36-09.10 - Health insurance policy and health service contract - Prehospital emergency medical services
- Section 26.1-36-09.11 - Breast reconstruction surgery
- Section 26.1-36-09.12 - Medical services related to suicide
- Section 26.1-36-09.13 - Medical services related to intoxication
- Section 26.1-36-09.14 - Coverage of cancer treatment medications
- Section 26.1-36-09.15 - Coverage of telehealth services
- Section 26.1-36-10 - Health policy and health service contract coordination of benefit provisions
- Section 26.1-36-11 - Accident and health policy provision denying insured right to employ doctor or enter hospital prohibited
- Section 26.1-36-12 - Provisions prohibited in individual and group accident and health insurance policies, group health plans, and nonprofit health service contracts
- Section 26.1-36-12.1 - Health service corporation contract provision denying insured or subscriber right to employ doctor or enter hospital prohibited
- Section 26.1-36-12.2 - Freedom of choice for pharmacy services
- Section 26.1-36-12.3 - [Expired]
- Section 26.1-36-12.4 - Confidentiality of medical information
- Section 26.1-36-12.5 - Basic health insurance coverage - Exceptions to required coverage
- Section 26.1-36-12.6 - Ambulance services classifications
- Section 26.1-36-12.7 - Freedom of choice for health care services
- Section 26.1-36-13 - Applicability of accident and health policy simplification standards
- Section 26.1-36-14 - Minimum accident and health policy language simplification standards
- Section 26.1-36-15 - Approval of accident and health policy forms
- Section 26.1-36-16 - Effect of accident and health policy simplification standards on filed policies
- Section 26.1-36-17 - Application for accident and health policy
- Section 26.1-36-18 - Notice under accident and health policy - Waiver
- Section 26.1-36-19 - Age limit in accident and health policy
- Section 26.1-36-20 - Juvenile's accident and health coverage to continue - Conditions
- Section 26.1-36-21 - Prisoner's accident and health coverage to continue - Conditions
- Section 26.1-36-22 - Individual and group health insurance for dependents
- Section 26.1-36-23 - Continuation of group hospital, surgical, and major medical coverage after termination of employment or membership
- Section 26.1-36-23.1 - Former spouse's and dependent children's accident and health coverage to continue - Conditions
- Section 26.1-36-24 - Health policy transferable
- Section 26.1-36-25 - Notice of transfer of health policy unnecessary - Exception
- Section 26.1-36-26 - Dual choice option on group health coverage - Minimum conditions - Transfer of coverage
- Section 26.1-36-27 - Dual choice option on group health coverage - Continuous coverage - Payment of benefits
- Section 26.1-36-28 - Measure of indemnity in health policy
- Section 26.1-36-29 - Coordination of benefits in individual and group accident and health policies - Limitations
- Section 26.1-36-30 - Individual or group accident and health insurer or nonprofit health service corporation responsibility - Release of information to department of health and human services
- Section 26.1-36-31 - [Repealed]
- Section 26.1-36-32 - [Repealed]
- Section 26.1-36-33 - [Repealed]
- Section 26.1-36-34 - [Repealed]
- Section 26.1-36-35 - [Repealed]
- Section 26.1-36-36 - [Repealed]
- Section 26.1-36-36.1 - [Repealed]
- Section 26.1-36-36.2 - Noncustodial care coverage
- Section 26.1-36-37 - [Repealed]
- Section 26.1-36-37.1 - Standard health insurance proof of loss form - Claim payment time limits
- Section 26.1-36-37.2 - Loss ratios - Rules
- Section 26.1-36-38 - Rulemaking authority
- Section 26.1-36-39 - Effect of policy not conforming to chapter
- Section 26.1-36-40 - General penalty - License suspension or revocation
- Section 26.1-36-41 - Contract limitations
- Section 26.1-36-42 - Grievance procedures
- Section 26.1-36-43 - Uniform prescription drug information card
- Section 26.1-36-44 - Independent external review
- Section 26.1-36-45 - Health insurance coverage not required
- Section 26.1-36-46 - External review procedures
- Section 26.1-36-47 - Internal claims and appeals procedures
- Section 26.1-36-48 - Short-term care insurance - Rules - Penalty
- Section 26.1-36-49 - [Repealed]
- Section 26.1-36-50 - Dental insurance - Assignment