N.D. Cent. Code § 26.1-09-08
As used in this section, "net premiums or deposits" means the advance payments by subscribers after deducting the amounts specifically provided for expenses in subscribers' agreements. Assets in cash or in securities authorized for investment of funds of insurance companies doing the same kind of business by the laws of the state in which the principal office of the exchange is located must be maintained at all times in an amount equal to fifty percent of the net annual advance premiums or deposits collected and credited to the accounts of subscribers on policies having one year or less to run and pro rata on those for longer periods, or in lieu thereof, one hundred percent of the net unearned premiums or deposits collected and credited to the accounts of subscribers. In addition to those assets, there must be maintained a reserve in the case of all classes of liability or similar kinds of insurance, in cash or in approved or authorized securities, sufficient to discharge all liabilities on all outstanding losses arising under policies issued, calculated on the basis of net premiums or deposits, and in accordance with the laws relating to reserves for companies insuring similar risks. Whenever the assets are less than the amount required by this section or less than one hundred thousand dollars, whichever is the greater, the subscribers, or their attorney for them, shall make up the deficiency.
N.D.C.C. § 26.1-09-08