N.D. Cent. Code § 24-17-05
The director is directed to acquire by purchase, gift, condemnation, or exchange, signs lawfully erected which do not conform to this chapter or the rules established by the director. Owners of advertising structures, signs, displays, or devices acquired by the director pursuant to this section, and the owners of the land upon which such displays are located must be paid just compensation for the reasonable damages, if any, suffered by the reason of such removal.
Just compensation must be paid upon the removal of any outdoor advertising sign, display, or device lawfully erected and maintained under state law, provided that federal matching funds are appropriated, allotted, and made available to this state under title 23, United States Code, for the purpose of providing just compensation for the removal of such signs, displays, or devices. A municipality, county or local zoning authority, or political subdivision may not remove or cause to be removed any advertising structures, except such structures that encroach upon the right of way, without paying compensation in accordance with this section.
N.D.C.C. § 24-17-05