N.D. Cent. Code § 24-07-10

Current through 2023 Legislative Sessions
Section 24-07-10 - Notice to all parties to be given - What deemed to be notices

Within thirty days after the board having jurisdiction receives a petition in compliance with provisions of this chapter for laying out, altering, or discontinuing any highway, it shall make out a notice and fix therein a time and place at which it will meet and decide upon such application, and the applicant, ten days previous to the time so fixed, shall cause such notice to be given to all occupants of the land through which such highway may pass. Such notice must be served personally or by copy left at the abode of such occupant. The board also shall cause copies of such notice to be posted in three public places in said county or township at least ten days previous to such meeting. Every such notice must specify, as nearly as practicable, the highway proposed to be laid out, altered, or discontinued, and the tract of land through which the same may pass.

N.D.C.C. § 24-07-10