Current through 2023 Legislative Sessions
Section 23-35-02.3 - Onsite wastewater recycling technical committee - Appointment - Duties1. The onsite wastewater recycling technical committee consists of:a. Three representatives from local public health units appointed by the governor from a list of names forwarded by local public health units;b. Four individuals who must be installers appointed by the governor. The governor shall appoint the individuals from a list of names forwarded by a professional onsite wastewater recycling association. For purposes of this section, an installer means an individual licensed by a local public health unit to install onsite wastewater sewage treatment systems; andc. One individual who must be a licensed environmental health practitioner appointed by the governor from a list of names forwarded by a professional onsite wastewater recycling association.2. The director of the department of environmental quality or the director's designee shall provide input at the request of the committee.3. The terms of the committee members are for four years, and members may be reappointed.4. The committee shall:a. Meet at the call of at least three of the members.b. Create a statewide technical guide for onsite wastewater recycling treatment technologies and sewage distribution technologies.c. Recommend standards and procedures for issuing an installer license.d. Recommend continuing education requirements for installer license renewal.e. Recommend reasonable fees for issuing or renewing an installer license.Added by S.L. 2021, ch. 208 (HB 1183),§ 2, eff. 8/1/2021. See S.L. 2021, ch. 208 (HB 1183), § 4.