N.D. Cent. Code § 23-24-08

Current through 2023 Legislative Sessions
Section 23-24-08 - Powers and duties of the board of commissioners

The board of commissioners of a vector control district may:

1. Declare, by resolution, that a potential or emergency health hazard exists and take all necessary and proper steps and measures for the eradication of public health vectors causing a potential or emergency health hazard within the district. Prior to taking these measures, the board shall consider technical information available to it for the purpose of determining the need for control measures and the need for specific action.
2. Enter upon any land, public or private, within the district at any reasonable time to inspect for or to control public health vectors and their breeding places.
3. Purchase all needed equipment, supplies, and materials.
4. Employ such labor and service as may be necessary or proper in the furtherance of its powers herein.
5. Employ labor and services and fix the compensations and prescribe the duties of all employees, agents, and servants.
6. Acquire by gift or purchase, hold, manage and dispose of, real or personal property in the name of the district in the furtherance of the purposes for which the district is established.
7. Work cooperatively with irrigation and drainage districts, municipal corporations, or other public agencies and use funds of the district to assist such other agencies for the construction, improvement, repair, and maintenance of ditches and for the purpose of assisting such other agencies in abatement practices for the control of public health vectors.
8. Contract with the United States government or any department thereof or with any other corporations, public or private and state government of this or other states to carry out the provisions of this chapter.
9. Generally do all things necessary or incident to the powers granted and carry out the objects specified in this chapter.
10. After organization and on or before July first in each year thereafter, adopt a budget showing estimated expenses for the ensuing fiscal year commencing July first and by resolution submit the budget to the board of county commissioners in each county in which the district is located. The board of county commissioners shall consider the budget and by resolution levy a tax not exceeding the limitation in section 57-15-26.2 and direct the county auditor to file the budget and spread the levy on the tax roll.

N.D.C.C. § 23-24-08