Except for unintentional reporting errors, an employing body failing to file reports required by the board or failing to pay over for credit to the fund the amounts required to be paid by this chapter is subject to a civil penalty of two hundred fifty dollars and, as interest, one percent of the amount due for each month of delay or fraction thereof after the report was required to be filed or the payment became due. The board, if satisfied the delay or underpayment was unintentional and excusable, may waive, or if paid, refund all or part of the two hundred fifty dollar penalty and may reduce the interest rate charge to the investment return rate used in the most recent actuarial valuation, compounded annually, but may not waive the entire amount of the interest. The penalty must be paid to the fund and deposited in the same manner as other receipts under this chapter.
In addition, a school district, multidistrict special education unit, area career and technology center, and regional education association may not share in the apportionment of any money from the state for any year unless the school district, multidistrict special education unit, area career and technology center, or regional education association has made the reports required by the board as permitted by this chapter, and has paid over for credit to the fund the amounts required to be paid under this chapter.
N.D.C.C. § 15-39.1-23