N.D. Cent. Code § 11-25-01

Current through 2023 Legislative Sessions
Section 11-25-01 - Warrants - How signed, attested, numbered, and registered

All warrants upon the county treasurer for claims against the county shall be issued by the county auditor upon the authority of properly audited and allowed claims or orders of the board of county commissioners. Approval by the board of county commissioners shall be recorded in the record of its proceedings and this shall be sufficient to indicate approval without requiring a majority of the board to sign or initial the vouchers or orders for payment. Each warrant shall be so drawn that when signed by the treasurer in an appropriate place, it becomes a check on the county depository. No warrant upon the treasurer shall be delivered or mailed to the payee or payee's agent or representative until such warrant has been signed by the treasurer and entered on the treasurer's books as a check drawn on a bank depository. Warrants for salaries of county officers and county employees may be drawn by the county auditor from time to time as such salaries become due and payable. The county auditor shall draw all other warrants or orders upon the county treasurer for the payment of moneys upon the authority and for the purposes specifically provided by law. All warrants issued by the county auditor shall be numbered consecutively or in separate series by funds. The number, date, and amount of each warrant and the name of the person to whom payable and the fund upon which drawn shall be stated therein. Warrants shall be signed by the county auditor and at the time they are issued shall be registered by the auditor in a book kept for that purpose.

N.D.C.C. § 11-25-01