N.D. Cent. Code § 10-19.1-147

Current through 2023 Legislative Sessions
Section 10-19.1-147 - Fees for filing records - Issuing certificates - License fees

The secretary of state shall charge and collect for:

1. Filing articles of incorporation and issuing a certificate of incorporation, one hundred dollars.
2. Filing articles of amendment, twenty dollars.
3. Filing a statement of correction, twenty dollars.
4. Filing restated articles of incorporation, thirty dollars.
5. Filing articles of conversion of a corporation or a certificate of fact of conversion of a foreign corporation, fifty dollars and:
a. If the organization resulting from the conversion will be a domestic organization governed by the laws of this state, then the fees provided by the governing laws to establish or register a new organization like the organization resulting from the conversion; or
b. If the organization resulting from the conversion will be a foreign organization that will transact business in this state, then the fees provided by the governing laws to obtain a certificate of authority or register an organization like the organization resulting from the conversion.
6. Filing abandonment of conversion, fifty dollars.
7. Filing articles of merger or consolidation and issuing a certificate of merger or consolidation, fifty dollars.
8. Filing articles of abandonment of merger, fifty dollars.
9. Filing an application to reserve a corporate name, ten dollars.
10. Filing a notice of transfer of a reserved corporate name, ten dollars.
11. Filing a cancellation of reserved corporate name, ten dollars.
12. Filing a consent to use of name, ten dollars.
13. Filing a statement of change of address of registered office, change of registered agent, or both, or a change of address of registered office by registered agent, the fee provided in section 10-01.1-03.
14. Filing a statement of the establishment of a series of shares, twenty dollars.
15. Filing a statement of cancellation of shares, twenty dollars.
16. Filing a statement of reduction of stated capital, twenty dollars.
17. Filing a statement of intent to dissolve, ten dollars.
18. Filing a statement of revocation of voluntary dissolution proceedings, ten dollars.
19. Filing articles of dissolution, twenty dollars.
20. Filing an application of a foreign corporation for a certificate of authority to transact business in this state and issuing a certificate of authority, one hundred forty-five dollars.
21. Filing an application of a foreign corporation for an amended certificate of authority to transact business in this state and issuing an amended certificate of authority, forty dollars.
22. Filing a certificate of fact stating a merger or consolidation of a foreign corporation holding a certificate of authority to transact business in this state, fifty dollars.
23. Filing an application for withdrawal of a foreign corporation and issuing a certificate of withdrawal, twenty dollars.
24. Filing an annual report of a corporation or foreign corporation, twenty-five dollars.
a. The secretary of state shall charge and collect additional fees for late filing of the annual report as follows:
(1) Within ninety days after the date provided in subsection 3 of section 10-19.1-146, twenty dollars;
(2) Thereafter, sixty dollars; and
(3) After the involuntary dissolution of a corporation, or the revocation of the certificate of authority of a foreign corporation, the reinstatement fee of one hundred thirty-five dollars.
b. Fees paid to the secretary of state according to this subsection are not refundable if an annual report submitted to the secretary of state cannot be filed because it lacks information required by section 10-19.1-146, or the annual report lacks sufficient payment as required by this subsection.
25. Filing any process, notice, or demand for service, the fee provided in section 10-01.1-03.
26. Furnishing a certified copy of any record, instrument, or paper relating to a corporation, the fee provided in section 54-09-04 for copying a record and fifteen dollars for the certificate and affixing the seal thereto.
27. Any record submitted for approval before the actual time of submission for filing, one-half of the fee provided in this section for filing the record.
28. Filing any other statement of a corporation or foreign corporation, ten dollars.

N.D.C.C. § 10-19.1-147

Amended by S.L. 2011, ch. 87 (SB 2174),§ 23, eff. 7/1/2011.