Whenever twenty-five percent of the adult owners of lands owning one-fourth of the lands within any district of land to be reclaimed or benefited, desire to construct one or more drains or ditches, or to acquire by purchase or otherwise, drains theretofore constructed, or outlets for drains, for the promotion of agricultural interests and the drainage of said lands or desire to maintain and keep in repair any such drain or ditch theretofore constructed or to protect any such drain or ditch or the land so drained from floods, such owners may file in the district court of any county in which the lands, or any part of them shall lie, a petition setting forth:
A. the proposed name of said drainage district; B. the necessity of the proposed drainage work, describing the necessity; C. a general description of the proposed starting points, routes and termini of the proposed drains or ditches; D. a general description of the drain or drains of ditch or ditches theretofore constructed, which it is intended to maintain and keep in repair, and of the land thereunder, which it is intended to protect from floods; E. a general description of the lands proposed to be included in said district; F. the names of the owners of all lands in said district, when known; G. if the purpose of said petitioners is the enlargement, repair and maintenance of a ditch or drain [or] other work theretofore constructed, said petition shall give a general description of the same, with such particulars as may be deemed important; H. said petition shall pray for the organization of a drainage district by the name and with the boundaries proposed, and for the appointment of commissioners for the execution of this and the following sections. Laws 1912, ch. 84, § 1; Code 1915, § 1877; Laws 1921, ch. 166, § 1; C.S. 1929, § 40-101; 1941 Comp., § 77-1801; 1953 Comp., § 75-19-1.