Soil conservation districts created and organized under the provisions of the Soil Conservation District Law [repealed], and continued as soil and water conservation districts created and delineated by the Soil and Water Conservation District Act [73-20-25 to 73-20-48 NMSA 1978], and continued as natural resource districts created and delineated by the Natural Resource Conservation District Act are perpetuated and shall continue to exist as soil and water conservation districts created and delineated by the Soil and Water Conservation District Act. Members of the state soil conservation committee and supervisors of state soil conservation districts which were perpetuated in office and continued to serve as members of the state soil and water conservation committee and as supervisors of soil and water conservation districts, respectively, until their successors were elected and appointed in accordance with the provisions of the Soil and Water Conservation District Act, and were perpetuated in office and continued to serve as members of the state natural resource conservation commission and as supervisors of natural resource conservation districts respectively, until their successors were elected and appointed in accordance with the provisions of the Natural Resource Conservation District Act, are perpetuated in office and shall continue to serve as members of the soil and water conservation commission and as supervisors of soil and water conservation districts, respectively, until their successors are elected and appointed in accordance with the provisions of the Soil and Water Conservation District Act.
NMS § 73-20-43