Section 69-3-12 - Amended and additional location noticesA. If at any time the owner of any mining claim heretofore or hereafter located, or his assigns, shall apprehend that the original notice of location is defective, erroneous or the requirement of law has not been complied with before filing, or shall be desirous of changing his surface boundaries or to take in any part of an overlapping claim which has been abandoned, such owner may file in the office where notices of location are by law required to be filed, an amended or additional notice of location, subject to the provisions of this article. Provided, that such additional or amended notice of location does not interfere with the existing right of others at the time of filing such notice; and no such amended or additional location, or record thereof, shall, by itself, preclude the claimant or his assigns from proving any such title as they may have held under the previous location. B. The owner of an unpatented lode or placer claim existing on June 20, 1981 may file with the county clerk's office in the county in which the mining claim is located, a written notice of location containing the information required by Subsection C of Section 69-3-1 NMSA 1978 or a map conforming to the requirements of Paragraph (6) of Subsection C of Section 69-3-1 NMSA 1978. Such notice shall also recite the book and page of the recording of the original location notice and any additional or amended location notices, and such map shall state the name of the owner of the claims and the claim names for the claims referenced on the map. Laws 1889, ch. 25, § 4; C.L. 1897, § 2301; Code 1915, § 3450; C.S. 1929, § 88-106; 1941 Comp., § 67-206; 1953 Comp., § 63-2-6; Laws 1981, ch. 310, § 5.