N.M. Stat. § 60-2E-8

Current through 2024, ch. 69
Section 60-2E-8 - Board regulations; discretionary regulations; procedure; required provisions
A. The board may adopt any regulation:
(1) consistent with the provisions of the Gaming Control Act; and
(2) it decides is necessary to implement the provisions of the Gaming Control Act.
B. No regulation shall be adopted, amended or repealed without a public hearing on the proposed action before the board or a hearing officer designated by it. Notice of the subject matter of the regulation, the action proposed to be taken, the time and place of the hearing, the manner in which interested persons may present their views and the method by which copies of the proposed regulation, amendment or repeal may be obtained shall be published once at least thirty days prior to the hearing date in a newspaper of general circulation and mailed at least thirty days prior to the hearing date to all persons who have made a written request for advance notice of hearing. All regulations and actions taken on regulations shall be filed in accordance with the State Rules Act [Chapter 14, Article 4 NMSA 1978].
C. The board shall adopt regulations:
(1) prescribing the method and form of application to be followed by an applicant;
(2) prescribing the information to be furnished by an applicant or licensee concerning the applicant's or licensee's antecedents, immediate family, habits, character, associates, criminal record, business activities and financial affairs, past or present;
(3) prescribing the manner and procedure of all hearings conducted by the board or a hearing officer;
(4) prescribing the manner and method of collection and payment of fees;
(5) prescribing the manner and method of the issuance of licenses, permits, registrations, certificates and other actions of the board not elsewhere prescribed in the Gaming Control Act;
(6) defining the area, games and gaming devices allowed and the methods of operation of the games and gaming devices for authorized gaming;
(7) prescribing under what conditions the nonpayment of winnings is grounds for suspension or revocation of a license of a gaming operator;
(8) governing the manufacture, sale, distribution, repair and servicing of gaming devices;
(9) prescribing accounting procedures, security, collection and verification procedures required of licensees and matters regarding financial responsibility of licensees;
(10) prescribing what shall be considered to be an unsuitable method of operating gaming activities;
(11) restricting access to confidential information obtained pursuant to the provisions of the Gaming Control Act and ensuring that the confidentiality of that information is maintained and protected;
(12) prescribing financial reporting and internal control requirements for licensees;
(13) prescribing the manner in which winnings, compensation from gaming activities and net take shall be computed and reported by a gaming operator licensee;
(14) prescribing the frequency of and the matters to be contained in audits of and periodic financial reports relevant to the gaming operator licensee's gaming activities from a gaming operator licensee consistent with standards prescribed by the board;
(15) prescribing the procedures to be followed by a gaming operator licensee for the exclusion of persons from gaming establishments;
(16) establishing criteria and conditions for the operation of progressive systems;
(17) establishing criteria and conditions for approval of procurement by the board of personal property valued in excess of twenty thousand dollars ($20,000), including background investigation requirements for a person submitting a bid or proposal;
(18) establishing an applicant fee schedule for processing applications that is based on costs of the application review incurred by the board whether directly or through payment by the board for costs charged for investigations of applicants by state departments and agencies other than the board, which regulation shall set a maximum fee of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000); and
(19) establishing criteria and conditions for allowing temporary possession of gaming devices:
(a) by post-secondary educational institutions;
(b) for trade shows;
(c) for film or theater productions; or
(d) for other non-gaming purposes.

NMS § 60-2E-8

Laws 1997, ch. 190, § 10; 2001, ch. 262, § 2; 2002, ch. 102, § 5; 2009, ch. 199, § 2.