Section 57-19-29 - Quality standardsA. Unless modified by regulation of the board, the quality standards, tests and methods of conducting analyses on petroleum products manufactured, kept, stored, sold or offered for sale in New Mexico shall be those last adopted and published by the American society for testing and materials or the society of automotive engineers and shall be used to determine compliance with the Petroleum Products Standards Act and regulations adopted pursuant to that act. In the absence of a petroleum product quality standard, test or method from the American society for testing and materials or the society of automotive engineers, the board may adopt a regulation that establishes a quality standard, test or method to conduct analyses on petroleum products.B. After July 1, 2010 and before July 1, 2012, all diesel fuel sold to state agencies, political subdivisions of the state and public schools for use in motor vehicles on the streets and highways of this state shall contain five percent biodiesel, except that this standard may be temporarily suspended by the director in accordance with Section 57-19-28 NMSA 1978.C. On or after July 1, 2012, all diesel fuel sold to consumers for use in motor vehicles on the streets and highways of this state shall contain five percent biodiesel, except that this standard may be temporarily suspended by the director in accordance with Section 57-19-28 NMSA 1978.Laws 1993, ch. 98, § 5; 2007, ch. 208, § 3.