The commissioner of public lands may sell the down, large growth and matured timber on any state lands in the manner and after the notice provided by law governing sales of state lands. The sale of any such timber shall not be construed as a sale of the land on which the same is situated. No growing of matured timber less than twelve inches in diameter inside of bark, three feet from the butt, shall be sold. Provided, that timber not less than nine inches in diameter, inside of bark, three feet from the butt, may be sold for railroad ties, mine props or fence posts.
All sales of timber shall be on the stumpage basis. No down, large growth and matured timber, except such as is fit only for firewood, shall be sold at less than two dollars ($2.00) per thousand feet, board measure, provided that the minimum price for white fir (balsam) shall be not less than one dollar ($1.00) per thousand feet, board measure.
NMS § 19-11-10