N.M. Stat. § 18-6-4

Current through 2024, ch. 69
Section 18-6-4 - Committee created; membership; compensation; voting; term; chairman; meetings
A. The "cultural properties review committee" is created, which consists of nine members as follows:
(1) the state historian at the state archives and record center;
(2) one person professionally recognized in the discipline of architectural history;
(3) one person professionally recognized in the discipline of history;
(4) one person professionally recognized in the discipline of architecture;
(5) one person professionally recognized in the discipline of prehistoric archaeology;
(6) one person professionally recognized in the discipline of historic archaeology;
(7) one additional person who is professionally recognized in:
(a) history;
(b) architectural history or architecture; or
(c) archaeology;
(8) one person who is a member of a New Mexico Indian nation, tribe or pueblo; and
(9) one person who is a resident of New Mexico and represents the general public.

Other than the state historian, all members shall be appointed by the governor. Each appointed professional member shall have achieved recognition for accomplishment in that member's field in the American southwest, and each shall have specialized knowledge of New Mexico.

B. Any member of the committee shall be reimbursed for necessary expenses in the discharge of the member's official duties in accordance with the rates set by the Per Diem and Mileage Act [10-8-1 to 10-8-8 NMSA 1978]. Any committee member who receives a salary from state funds shall not be entitled to per diem and mileage for service on the committee unless the service is away from the town in which the member's duty station is located, and, in that case, the member shall receive per diem and mileage allowance at the rate set for salaried state employees. Committee members shall receive no other compensation, perquisite or allowance for committee service, but this does not mean that committee members who receive a salary from state funds shall not continue to draw such salary while discharging committee duties.
C. A simple majority shall constitute a quorum. A member of the committee shall abstain from voting or the member's vote shall be disqualified on any matter in which the member has a pecuniary interest.
D. Appointed members shall serve terms of four years. Members shall be appointed without regard to partisan political affiliation, and any member may be reappointed to the committee.
E. A chairman, vice chairman and secretary shall be elected from the membership to serve for one year, subject to reelection.
F. The committee shall meet at least once each quarter.

NMS § 18-6-4

1953 Comp., § 4-27-7, enacted by Laws 1969, ch. 223, § 4; 1986, ch. 10, § 1; 2005, ch. 50, § 1.