N.J. Stat. § 58:10-23.11f11

Current through L. 2023, c. 336.
Section 58:10-23.11f11 - Indemnification of the contractor; conditions

As part of a response action contract awarded by or on behalf of the department, the department may agree to defend and indemnify the contractor against claims and judgments for death or bodily injury to persons or loss and damage to property resulting from the contamination of the environment by hazardous substances as a direct consequence of the performance of the response action contract. This provision applies only to contracts wholly funded with State monies, including monies in the New Jersey Spill Compensation Fund established pursuant to section 10 of P.L. 1976, c.141 (C.58:10-23.11i).

The department may determine to offer indemnification when it is deemed necessary to solicit qualified contractors and to promote adequate competition among qualified bidders. The department may offer indemnification of up to $25 million per occurrence and $50 million per contract as it deems necessary to solicit qualified contractors, depending on the nature, risk and size of the job. Any indemnification offered by the department shall be subject to the exemptions and deductible limits established herein and to terms and conditions established by the department with the advice of the Attorney General.

As part of a bidding process, the department may give preference to the extent a bidder is covered by an occurrence based policy of environmental impairment liability insurance. Any such preference shall be based on determinations articulated in the bid documents as to the relative value and cost to the State of insurance and indemnification.

Nothing in this act shall be construed to:

(1) limit the right of an eligible claimant to pursue any remedy available under statutory or common law against a discharger or person in any way responsible for a discharge pursuant to subsection c. of section 8 of P.L. 1976, c.141 (C.58:10-23.11g.), for any claim amount in excess of the liability limits established pursuant to this act; or
(2) authorize indemnification of a response action contractor for a claim by a person in the employment of the contractor, including any subcontractor engaged by the contractor, or any employee thereof.

Nothing in this act shall be construed to authorize indemnification of a discharger or person in any way responsible for a discharge or of a response action contractor engaged in a remediation action on behalf of a discharger or person in any way responsible for a discharge whether or not the remediation action is funded in part by the State.

N.J.S. § 58:10-23.11f11

L.1991, c.373, s.4.