Section 55:19-69 - Public hearings on applications; determinationa. Once the Urban Coordinating Council in consultation and in conjunction with the authority has identified those qualified municipalities whose neighborhood empowerment plans fulfill the criteria for designation set forth in sections 51 and 52 of P.L. 1996, c. 62(C.55:19-66 and C.55:19-67), the Urban Coordinating Council may, at its discretion, hold public hearings for the purpose of receiving public comments on the applications. In the event that a hearing is to be conducted, at least one public hearing shall be held in a municipality which has applied for empowerment neighborhood designation. The Urban Coordinating Council shall give at least 30 days' public notice of each hearing in advertisements in at least two newspapers which circulate in the area served by the hearing and at least 30 days' notice to the governing body and planning board of each county and municipality in the area served by the hearing.b. Taking full account of the testimony presented at the public hearings, the Urban Coordinating Council in consultation and in conjunction with the authority shall make a determination regarding the designation of empowerment neighborhoods within 30 days of the final hearing.c. The Urban Coordinating Council in consultation and in conjunction with the authority shall designate as many empowerment neighborhoods as possible given available financial resources and the ability of the Urban Coordinating Council to oversee project implementation. The application process for each application cycle, including the public hearings, shall occur as set forth in this section.