N.J. Stat. § 54:5-104.73

Current through L. 2023, c. 336.
Section 54:5-104.73 - Right of purchaser to have prior foreclosure proceedings corrected

Where a municipality or abandoned property certificate holder has heretofore sold and transferred, or shall hereafter sell and transfer, lands to a purchaser, title to which was acquired by the municipality or abandoned property certificate holder under a tax sale certificate and the foreclosure thereof, the said purchaser may request the municipality or abandoned property certificate holder to further foreclose or reforeclose such tax sale certificate under the In Rem Tax Foreclosure Act (1948), P.L. 1948, c.96 (C.54:5-104.29 et seq.), to which P.L. 1955, c.278 (C.54:5-104.72 et seq.) is a supplement, for the purpose of correcting and overcoming any irregularity in the prior foreclosure proceedings, or to bar any outstanding right of redemption of the lands from the tax sale which resulted in the said tax sale certificate, which right of redemption could have been but was not barred by the said prior foreclosure proceedings.

N.J.S. § 54:5-104.73

Amended by L. 2015, c. 16,s. 7, eff. 6/30/2014.
L.1955, c.278, p.1002, s.2.