N.J. Stat. § 52:32-24

Current through L. 2023, c. 349.
Section 52:32-24 - Lists of designated businesses
a. The department shall establish reasonable regulations appropriate for controlling the designation of prospective small business bidders, minority business bidders and female business bidders and shall maintain lists of designated businesses.
b. The department shall establish a procedure whereby businesses may request inclusion on appropriate lists for small businesses, minority businesses and female businesses.
c. The department shall establish a procedure for annually reviewing the lists and determining whether the businesses on the lists shall continue to be designated as small businesses, minority businesses and female businesses.
d. The department shall establish a procedure whereby the designation of a business as a small business, minority business or female business may be challenged by a third party.
e. Any procedures established pursuant to subsections b., c., and d. of this section shall include notice to the business whose designation is at issue and an opportunity for a hearing at the department. The hearing shall not be considered a contested case under the "Administrative Procedure Act," P.L. 1968, c. 410 (C. 52:14B-1 et seq.).

N.J.S. § 52:32-24

L.1983, c.482, s.8; amended by L.1985, c.384, s.9.