Section 52:17B-184 - "Stabilization and Reintegration Program."a. If funds are expressly appropriated for such purpose, and to the extent of such appropriation, the commissioner shall establish and operate a program, entitled "Stabilization and Reintegration Program" and to be known by the acronym of "SRP," for youthful offenders.b. The commission shall establish and operate a program, entitled "Stabilization and Reintegration Program" and to be known by the acronym of "SRP," for juvenile offenders.c. The commissioner and the commission may enter into a contract with a private corporation to establish and operate the programs set forth in this act if the commissioner and the commission determine that this option is in the best interests of the citizens of this State. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the private corporation selected as the contractor for the purpose of implementing this act may be a for-profit corporation.