N.J. Stat. § 52:13GG-4

Current through L. 2024, c. 40.
Section 52:13GG-4 - Council membership, demographics
a. The council shall be comprised of 44 members. Forty members shall be members of the public and four members shall be members of the New Jersey Legislature.
b. Each of the 40 public members shall have been a resident of New Jersey for at least 15 years and shall be between 15 and 23 years of age at the time of appointment.

Each public member shall represent one of the 40 districts of the New Jersey Legislature.

The 40 public members shall be inclusive and reflective of the racial, gender, geographic, urban, rural, and economic diversity of their district.

A public member who is less than 18 years of age shall be required to provide written permission from a parent or legal guardian to be a member of the council and participate in its activities. Any public member who is less than 18 years of age shall be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian, or an adult designated in writing by the parent or legal guardian, at all times when attending meetings and other activities of the council.

No public member shall be a family member, or an employee, of a person who is holding, or who held in the five years prior to the public member's appointment, any appointive or elective public office of this State.

Public members shall serve for a term of two years, and if eligible, may be reappointed to serve for one additional term.

c. The President of the Senate shall appoint one member of the Senate to serve on the council. The Speaker of the General Assembly shall appoint one member of the General Assembly to serve on the council. The Minority Leader of the Senate shall appoint one member of the Senate to serve on the council. The Minority Leader of the General Assembly shall appoint one member of the General Assembly to serve on the council.

The legislative members shall serve a term coterminous with their term of office, and at the pleasure of the President of the Senate or the Speaker of the General Assembly.

The legislative members shall be non-voting, advisory members appointed solely for the purpose of assisting the public members of the council in conducting the council's meetings and activities, and in fulfilling the council's purpose.

The legislative members shall advise the council on the legislative process, provide policy and fiscal briefings, assist with the drafting of proposed legislation, and provide such guidance and information as the council deems appropriate.

d. The public members of the council shall serve until their successors are appointed and qualified, and, for this purpose, a public member may serve after reaching the age of 23 years. The term of the successor of any incumbent public member shall be calculated from the expiration of the term of that incumbent public member. A vacancy occurring other than by expiration of term shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment but for the unexpired term only.
e. For the purpose of the New Jersey Legislative Youth Council:

"Appointive or elective public office" means an appointment by the Governor that requires the advice and consent of the Senate, or an appointment by the Governor to serve at the pleasure of the Governor only during his or her term of office, an appointment by an elected public official or elected governing body of a political subdivision of the State, that requires the specific consent or approval of the elected governing body of the political subdivision, or any office filled at an election by the voters at a general election.

"Family member" means a child, sibling, niece, nephew, first cousin, or grandchild, whether the individual is related by blood, marriage, or adoption.

"Youth" means a person at least 15 years of age but under the age of 23 years.

N.J.S. § 52:13GG-4

Added by L. 2021 , c. 398, s. 4, eff. 1/18/2022.