N.J. Stat. § 43:15A-103

Current through L. 2023, c. 336.
Section 43:15A-103 - Payment upon death of member who had retired on accidental disability retirement allowance

Upon the receipt of proper proofs of the death of a member who at the time of retirement was a law enforcement officer and who has retired on an accidental disability retirement allowance, there shall be paid to such person, if living, as he shall have nominated by written designation duly executed and filed with the board of trustees, otherwise to the executor or administrator of the member's estate, the sum of $5,000.00 or the amount payable pursuant to section 46c of the act to which this act is a supplement, whichever is greater.

N.J.S. § 43:15A-103

L.1955, c.257, p.942, s.7.