- Section 40A:5-1 - Short title
- Section 40A:5-2 - Definitions
- Section 40A:5-3 - Fiscal year
- Section 40A:5-4 - Annual audit required; extensions
- Section 40A:5-5 - Scope of audit
- Section 40A:5-6 - Report of audit
- Section 40A:5-7 - Publication of report and recommendations
- Section 40A:5-8 - Audit by director
- Section 40A:5-9 - Audit by registered municipal accountant
- Section 40A:5-10 - Revocation or cancellation of license
- Section 40A:5-11 - Advertising for bids unnecessary
- Section 40A:5-12 - Annual financial statement and reports of local unit
- Section 40A:5-13 - Annual financial statements by boards, committees and commissions of a local unit
- Section 40A:5-14 - Adoption of cash management plan
- Section 40A:5-14.1 - Rules and regulations
- Section 40A:5-14.2 - Findings, declarations relative to investment of certain municipal funds
- Section 40A:5-14.3 - Plan for conducting certain transactions involving real property in certain municipalities
- Section 40A:5-14.4 - Application for approval of plan relative to disposition of certain assets
- Section 40A:5-14.5 - Dedicated trust fund, investment oversight board
- Section 40A:5-14.6 - Duties of investment oversight board
- Section 40A:5-14.7 - Responsibilities of investment oversight board relative to reports
- Section 40A:5-14.8 - Annual audit of dedicated trust funds
- Section 40A:5-14.9 - Rules, regulations
- Section 40A:5-14.10 - Effective date
- Section 40A:5-15 - Deposit of funds paid to the local unit
- Section 40A:5-15.1 - Securities which may be purchased by local units
- Section 40A:5-15.2 - Record and report of securities received
- Section 40A:5-15.3 - Securities of local unit purchased by it not to be canceled; sale thereafter
- Section 40A:5-16 - - Local unit, requirements for paying out moneys
- Section 40A:5-16.1 - Advances for expenses of authorized official travel; resolution; verification; repayment of excess
- Section 40A:5-16.2 - Payment of advance to nonprofit organization or agency with which local unit has service contract; resolution; conditions
- Section 40A:5-16.3 - Payment in advance
- Section 40A:5-16.4 - Issuance, acceptance of purchase order for license or permit fee
- Section 40A:5-16.5 - Certain government entities authorized to adopt policies for payment of claims electronically; definitions
- Section 40A:5-17 - Approval and payment of claims and required general books of account
- Section 40A:5-17.1 - Refund, delinquency of less than $10.00
- Section 40A:5-18 - Public recording of approved claims
- Section 40A:5-19 - Payment of salaries and wages
- Section 40A:5-20 - Officers to deliver funds and records when term expires
- Section 40A:5-21 - Petty cash fund of local unit
- Section 40A:5-22 - Investigation of expenditures of local unit
- Section 40A:5-23 - Costs, taxation and payment bond
- Section 40A:5-24 - Filing and publication of report of investigation
- Section 40A:5-25 - Attorney of local unit may appear on its behalf
- Section 40A:5-26 - Subpoenas and testimony of witnesses
- Section 40A:5-27 - Witness fees and mileage taxed as costs
- Section 40A:5-28 - Duty of officers and employees of local unit
- Section 40A:5-29 - Acceptance of bequests, legacies, gifts
- Section 40A:5-30 - Acceptance of Federal grants
- Section 40A:5-30.1 - Findings, declarations relative to the "1033 program."
- Section 40A:5-30.2 - Approval of application for enrollment in program
- Section 40A:5-31 - Award programs for local units
- Section 40A:5-32 - Reimbursement
- Section 40A:5-33 - Oath taken before assuming office
- Section 40A:5-34 - Bonds of officials and employees
- Section 40A:5-34.1 - Blanket bond coverage provided for certain local officers, employees; evidence
- Section 40A:5-35 - Recording of bonds
- Section 40A:5-36 - Protection to be afforded by bond
- Section 40A:5-37 - Condition of bond broken
- Section 40A:5-38 - Rules and regulations
- Section 40A:5-39 - Fixing of bond in excess of minimum amount
- Section 40A:5-41 - Classification system for purpose of determining amount of bond; minimum amount
- Section 40A:5-42 - Purchase and retirement of outstanding bonds; procedure; duties of Local Finance Board
- Section 40A:5-43 - Short title
- Section 40A:5-44 - Definitions relative to card or other electronic based payments
- Section 40A:5-45 - Electronic payment systems established by resolution of governing body
- Section 40A:5-46 - Service charges; collection, assessment
- Section 40A:5-47 - Rules, regulations
- Section 40A:5-48 - "User-friendly," plain language budget summary forms
- Section 40A:5-49 - Public meeting when resolution proposed to establish, modify employee compensation
- Section 40A:5-50 - Rules, regulations