N.J. Stat. § 40A:4-45.45b

Current through L. 2023, c. 336.
Section 40A:4-45.45b - Parts of budget request; exemptions
a. A budget request submitted to the county governing body by a county entity budget authority on behalf of a county entity shall be comprised of two parts: the amount to be raised by property taxation, and the amount to be funded wholly through federal or State funds, fees raised by the county entity, or other sources.
b. In the preparation of the portion of its budget request to be raised by property taxation, a county entity budget authority shall limit any increase in that portion of its budget request to 2.0% of the previous year's budget request, subject to the exclusions set forth in subsection b. of section 10 of P.L. 2007, c. 62(C.40A:4-45.45), except that election expenses shall be exempt from the requirements of this subsection. For purposes of this subsection, "election expenses" shall mean and include all necessary expenses incurred by the superintendent of elections, county clerk, and board of elections for each county related to election costs and the administration, preparation, and implementation of all elections, including all vendor related contract services; voting machine maintenance, repairs, parts and equipment, certification, and technical coding; transportation of voting machines and election supplies; overtime for all staff related to election duty; food services during election; poll workers, machine technicians, and other temporary workers; supplies; office equipment; printing; postage; advertisement costs, upon being certified to by the superintendent of elections, county clerk, and board of elections for each county; but shall not mean or include staff salaries for the office of the superintendent of elections, staff salaries for the county clerk, or staff salaries for the county board of elections.
c. Nothing in P.L. 2015, c. 249(C.40A:4-45.45b et al.) shall diminish the obligations of a county under a collective bargaining agreement with its employees in force on the effective date of P.L. 2015, c. 249(C.40A:4-45.45b et al.).

N.J.S. § 40A:4-45.45b

Added by L. 2015, c. 249,s. 3, eff. 1/19/2016.