Chapter 40:71 - ELECTION; NOTICE
- Section 40:71-1 - Election; notice
- Section 40:71-2 - Clerk to call election; notice
- Section 40:71-3 - Ballot; form and content
- Section 40:71-4 - Conduct of election; results certified to clerk
- Section 40:71-5 - Clerk to certify results; contents of certificate
- Section 40:71-6 - Vote required for adoption
- Section 40:71-7 - If majority against adoption no petition for certain period
- Section 40:71-8 - Corporate existence and name continued
- Section 40:71-9 - Elective and appointive officers' terms cease; boards abolished; exception
- Section 40:71-9.1 - Boards of fire commissioners in townships
- Section 40:71-10 - Inconsistent laws inapplicable; laws relating to municipal courts unaffected
- Section 40:71-11 - Educational system unaffected