- Section 40:69A-1 - Election on question whether charter commission shall be elected
- Section 40:69A-2 - Election of charter commission members at same time public question is submitted
- Section 40:69A-3 - Candidates for charter commission
- Section 40:69A-4 - Canvass of election
- Section 40:69A-5 - Organization of charter commission; quorum; majority required for effective recommendations
- Section 40:69A-6 - Vacancies in charter commission
- Section 40:69A-7 - Duties of charter commission
- Section 40:69A-8 - No compensation; expenses of commission members; consultants and assistants
- Section 40:69A-9 - Hearings; public forums
- Section 40:69A-10 - Report of charter commission; copies
- Section 40:69A-11 - Discharge of charter commission; change of recommendation; amended report
- Section 40:69A-12 - Report and recommendations
- Section 40:69A-13 - Number of council members and wards; recommendations
- Section 40:69A-14 - Form of question submitted to voters
- Section 40:69A-15 - Ballots; submission of question of adoption of optional plan of government
- Section 40:69A-16 - Special charter or specific amendments of charters; petition to legislature
- Section 40:69A-17 - Other proceedings pending; no new resolution or petition within 4 years
- Section 40:69A-18 - Adoption of optional plan without charter commission
- Section 40:69A-19 - Petition for election upon adoption of optional plan of government
- Section 40:69A-20 - Submission of question
- Section 40:69A-21 - Other proceedings pending; no new petition within 4 years
- Section 40:69A-22 - Vote in favor of change in form of government
- Section 40:69A-23 - Optional form of government; adoption, no vote for 10 years thereafter to change
- Section 40:69A-24 - Each optional plan declared complete form of government
- Section 40:69A-25 - Reversion to prior law
- Section 40:69A-25.1 - Amendment of charter to provide for alternate elections
- Section 40:69A-25.2 - Alternative under 40:69A-25.1, transition provisions
- Section 40:69A-25.3 - Group C alternative; adoption; transitional provisions
- Section 40:69A-25.4 - Group D alternative; adoption; transitional provisions
- Section 40:69A-25.5 - Group E alternative; adoption; transitional provisions
- Section 40:69A-26 - Laws governing after adoption of optional form of government
- Section 40:69A-27 - Municipality remains body corporate and politic; name
- Section 40:69A-28 - "General law" defined
- Section 40:69A-29 - Powers of municipality
- Section 40:69A-30 - Power of local self-government conferred; construction of grants of power
- Section 40:69A-31 - Applicable laws
- Section 40:69A-32 - Mayor-council plan
- Section 40:69A-33 - Mayor; election; term
- Section 40:69A-34 - Council members; number; term
- Section 40:69A-34.1 - Mayor-council plan; election of mayor and council; regular municipal or general election
- Section 40:69A-34.2 - Council members; election at large or by ward
- Section 40:69A-34.3 - First council members; terms of office
- Section 40:69A-36 - Legislative power
- Section 40:69A-37 - Investigative, removal powers
- Section 40:69A-37.1 - Mayoral control of administration
- Section 40:69A-38 - Municipal clerk; duties
- Section 40:69A-39 - Executive power
- Section 40:69A-40 - Mayoral duties
- Section 40:69A-41 - Approval or veto of ordinances; attending meetings
- Section 40:69A-42 - Acting mayor
- Section 40:69A-43 - Municipal departments, number
- Section 40:69A-43a - Administrative department salaries
- Section 40:69A-43.1 - Deputy director of department
- Section 40:69A-43.2 - Powers and duties of deputy
- Section 40:69A-44 - Department of administration; director; qualifications; powers and duties
- Section 40:69A-45 - Preparation of budget
- Section 40:69A-46 - Budget submitted to council
- Section 40:69A-46.1 - Mayor-council plan deadline
- Section 40:69A-47 - System of work programs and quarterly allotments
- Section 40:69A-48 - Control functions
- Section 40:69A-60.1 - Mayoral appointees
- Section 40:69A-60.2 - Powers and duties of deputies, secretaries and aides
- Section 40:69A-60.3 - Municipalities over 300,000; department of administration; assistant business administrator
- Section 40:69A-60.4 - Powers and duties of assistant business administrator
- Section 40:69A-60.5 - Appointment of executive secretary, aides
- Section 40:69A-60.6 - Powers and duties of aides
- Section 40:69A-60.7 - City of first class under Mayor-Council Plan C; police chief; appointment; term of office; removal
- Section 40:69A-67.1 - Municipality with Mayor-Council Plan D; housing counsellor; duties
- Section 40:69A-67.2 - Appointment; removal; salary
- Section 40:69A-81 - Applicable laws
- Section 40:69A-82 - Government by elected council and appointed manager and other officers and employees
- Section 40:69A-83 - Council
- Section 40:69A-83.1 - Council-manager plan; charter provision; regular municipal or general election; term of office
- Section 40:69A-83.2 - Election at large or by wards
- Section 40:69A-83.3 - Terms of first council members
- Section 40:69A-86 - Mayor; election by council or by voters; charter provision
- Section 40:69A-87 - Duties of mayor
- Section 40:69A-88 - Powers of municipality vested in council; exceptions
- Section 40:69A-89 - Appointment of municipal manager and clerk and others
- Section 40:69A-90 - Departments, boards and offices; deputy manager
- Section 40:69A-91 - Municipal council to act as a body; administrative service to be performed through manager; committees or commissions
- Section 40:69A-92 - Qualifications of municipal manager
- Section 40:69A-93 - Term of municipal manager; removal; suspension
- Section 40:69A-94 - Absence or disability of manager
- Section 40:69A-95 - Powers and duties of manager
- Section 40:69A-96 - Budget; preparation by manager
- Section 40:69A-97 - Submission of budget to council
- Section 40:69A-97.1 - Council-manager plan deadline
- Section 40:69A-98 - Laws conferring powers upon mayor or other executive head construed as meaning municipal manager
- Section 40:69A-115 - Adoption by municipalities under 12,000; applicable laws
- Section 40:69A-116 - Government by elected council and mayor and appointed officers
- Section 40:69A-117 - Composition of council
- Section 40:69A-117.1 - Small municipality plan; members of council; election at regular municipal or general election
- Section 40:69A-117.2 - First members of council; terms of office
- Section 40:69A-117.3 - Mayor; election by council or by voters; charter provision
- Section 40:69A-120 - Legislative power; quorum; mayor's duties; president of council
- Section 40:69A-121 - Executive power; mayor's duties
- Section 40:69A-122 - Assessor; tax collector; attorney; clerk; treasurer; other officers; appointment
- Section 40:69A-123 - Finance committee and other committees of council
- Section 40:69A-124 - Appointment of officers and employees by mayor
- Section 40:69A-125 - Residence in municipality not required
- Section 40:69A-126 - Municipal clerk
- Section 40:69A-127 - Duties of municipal clerk
- Section 40:69A-128 - Annual budget
- Section 40:69A-129 - Treasurer's duties
- Section 40:69A-130 - Disbursement of municipal funds
- Section 40:69A-131 - Tax collector; duties
- Section 40:69A-132 - Bond of treasurer and collector
- Section 40:69A-149.1 - Adoption by voters; applicable laws
- Section 40:69A-149.2 - Government by elected mayor and council, and appointed municipal administrator and other officers and employees
- Section 40:69A-149.3 - Council; composition; mayor and councilmen; election; terms of office
- Section 40:69A-149.4 - Election at large; terms of office of first elected
- Section 40:69A-149.5 - Council; legislative power; status of mayor; quorum; president; special meetings
- Section 40:69A-149.6 - Mayor; powers and duties
- Section 40:69A-149.7 - Ordinances; approval by mayor
- Section 40:69A-149.8 - Mayoral appointments; municipal departments
- Section 40:69A-149.8a - Ordinances validated
- Section 40:69A-149.9 - Municipal administrator
- Section 40:69A-149.10 - Officers and employees; appointment and recruitment by mayor
- Section 40:69A-149.11 - Clerk
- Section 40:69A-149.12 - Annual budget; preparation
- Section 40:69A-149.13 - Treasurer
- Section 40:69A-149.14 - Municipal funds; disbursement
- Section 40:69A-149.15 - Tax collector
- Section 40:69A-149.16 - Bond; treasurer and collector
- Section 40:69A-150 - Municipal elections; time
- Section 40:69A-152 - Terms of municipal officers
- Section 40:69A-153.1 - Dual candidacy; prohibition
- Section 40:69A-162 - Candidates elected in municipalities adopting article 13 or 14
- Section 40:69A-163 - Interest in contracts or jobs forbidden
- Section 40:69A-164 - Franks, free passes, tickets or services; acceptance forbidden
- Section 40:69A-165 - Promise of office, position, employment or benefits forbidden
- Section 40:69A-166 - [Repealed]
- Section 40:69A-167 - Failure to appear or testify before court, legislative committee or Governor
- Section 40:69A-168 - Elective officers; removal by recall petition and vote
- Section 40:69A-169 - Recall petition
- Section 40:69A-170 - Signatures to recall petition
- Section 40:69A-171 - Notice to officer; recall election; notice of filing of petition
- Section 40:69A-172 - Ballots
- Section 40:69A-173 - Removal of more than one officer
- Section 40:69A-174 - Election of successor; use of recall ballot
- Section 40:69A-175 - Laws governing recall elections; selection of candidate for successor of recalled incumbent
- Section 40:69A-176 - Publication of notices of arrangements for recall elections; conduct
- Section 40:69A-177 - Results of election
- Section 40:69A-178 - Successor where incumbent resigns or is recalled
- Section 40:69A-179 - Meetings of council; journal
- Section 40:69A-180 - Rules of procedure; quorum; ordinances and resolutions; presiding officer; compensation
- Section 40:69A-181 - Adoption and publication of ordinances; effective date
- Section 40:69A-182 - Recording of ordinances and resolutions
- Section 40:69A-183 - Rules and regulations; filing; publication
- Section 40:69A-184 - Petition; percentage of legal voters required
- Section 40:69A-185 - Power of referendum; time for filing petition
- Section 40:69A-186 - Petition papers; affidavits
- Section 40:69A-187 - Filing of petition papers; examination; certification of result
- Section 40:69A-188 - Amendment of initiative or referendum petition
- Section 40:69A-189 - Suspension of ordinance
- Section 40:69A-190 - Submission to municipal council
- Section 40:69A-191 - Submission of ordinance to voters; withdrawal of petition
- Section 40:69A-192 - Timing of election at which submitted to voters
- Section 40:69A-192.1 - Question submitted, county clerk, no later than 74th day preceding election
- Section 40:69A-193 - Number of proposed ordinances voted upon; time between special elections
- Section 40:69A-194 - Publication of ordinance
- Section 40:69A-195 - Ballots
- Section 40:69A-196 - Repeal, amendment of ordinances
- Section 40:69A-205 - Adoption of schedule of installation of optional plan
- Section 40:69A-206 - Charters, amendments and supplements superseded; existing ordinances and resolutions remain in force where not inconsistent
- Section 40:69A-207 - Offices abolished on effective date of plan; administrative code
- Section 40:69A-207.1 - Local industrial commissions; continuance or reestablishment
- Section 40:69A-208 - Appointments between election and time of taking office under optional plan; pending actions and proceedings
- Section 40:69A-208.1 - Continuance of charter adopted prior to Jan. 9, 1982 of municipality with mayor-council plan
- Section 40:69A-208.2 - Continuance of charter adopted prior to Jan. 9, 1982 of municipality with council-manager plan
- Section 40:69A-208.3 - Continuance of charter adopted prior to Jan. 9, 1982 of municipality with small municipality plan
- Section 40:69A-209 - Partial invalidity
- Section 40:69A-210 - Short title