For the purpose of financing that part of the cost of acquisition or construction of such joint facilities attributable to it, and to meet the payment or payments or other obligations of said municipality with respect to such capital expenditures and improvements as may be provided for in such contract, every municipality is authorized to incur indebtedness in accordance with the provisions and subject to the limitations of the Local Bond Law of New Jersey, constituting chapter 2 of Title 40A of the New Jersey Statutes, or any other law presently or hereafter applicable to the incurrence of indebtedness by such municipality. The bonds of any municipality so issued, and any notes in anticipation thereof, shall be obligations of that municipality solely, without respect to the use of the proceeds thereof for the joint construction, acquisition or ownership of the aforesaid facilities by said municipality and any State-regulated public utility.
N.J.S. § 40:62-25.3