N.J. Stat. § 40:41A-138

Current through L. 2023, c. 336.
Section 40:41A-138 - Appropriation requests; allotments

As part of the budget request submitted by each department, office and agency of the county to the budget officer, there shall be included a work program for the year, showing all requested appropriations broken down into monthly or quarterly allotments, as may be required by the budget officer. The budget officer shall review requested allotments in light of the work program of the department, office or agency concerned, and if he deems it necessary, may revise, alter, or change them before the same are submitted to the board of freeholders. The aggregate of such allotments shall not exceed the total appropriation available to each department, office or agency for the fiscal year.

The budget officer shall, where practicable, provide for the establishment and operation of a system of work programs and quarterly allotments for operation of the budget. It shall be the duty of the budget officer to develop and report appropriate unit costs of budgeted expenditures.

N.J.S. § 40:41A-138

L.1972, c.154, s.138, eff. 9/19/1972; amended by L.1975, c.84, s.44, eff. 5/5/1975.