N.J. Stat. § 40:37A-131.1

Current through L. 2023, c. 336.
Section 40:37A-131.1 - Payment in lieu of taxes not to exceed 20% of annual gross revenue; determination of assumed assessed value
a. For the purposes of the "county improvement authorities law," P.L. 1960, c.183 (C.40:37A-44 et seq.), where by reason of the provisions of any other law a qualified housing sponsor has entered, or intends to enter, into any agreement with any municipality to make payments in lieu of taxes, or to obtain special tax treatment of any real property of the qualified housing sponsor to be financed by the authority, that agreement may, notwithstanding any provisions of any such other law to the contrary, require the qualified housing sponsor to pay to the municipality an amount not exceeding 20% of the annual gross revenue from each housing project situated on the real property for each year of the project's operation following its substantial completion. For the purpose of this section, "annual gross revenue" means the total annual gross rental or carrying charge and other income of a qualified housing sponsor from a housing project. Any agreement between any qualified housing sponsor and a municipality pursuant to this section shall be submitted to the authority for review in order to avoid duplicative or inconsistent regulations or provisions, and any municipality and any qualified housing sponsor may, with the approval of the authority, enter into any such agreement as is not inconsistent with P.L. 1960, c.183.
b. For the purposes of apportioning the amounts to be raised in the respective municipalities in each county pursuant to R.S. 54:4-49, the board of taxation for such county shall, for each municipality, include in the equalization table for such county the assumed assessed value of the property represented by the amount of payments in lieu of property taxes to any municipality pursuant to this section.

The assumed assessed value of such property in each municipality shall be determined by the county board of taxation in the following manner:

(1) the amount of payments in lieu of real property taxes received by each municipality during the preceding tax year pursuant to this section shall be divided by the general tax rate of the municipality for such preceding tax year to obtain an assumed assessed value of such property;
(2) this assumed assessed value shall be divided by the fraction produced by dividing the aggregate assessed value by the aggregate true value of the real property as determined by the county board of taxation for equalization purposes in the current tax year, exclusive of class II railroad property, in the municipality;
(3) the resulting quotient shall be included in the net valuation of each municipality on which county taxes are apportioned.

For the first tax year during which any payments in lieu of real property taxes are made to any municipality pursuant to this section, there shall be included in the equalization table for such county the true value of the property as determined by the assessor in the tax year immediately prior to the tax year in which any payments in lieu of taxes are made pursuant to this section.

N.J.S. § 40:37A-131.1

L.1982, c.133, s.19; amended 1994, c.76, s.17.