N.J. Stat. § 34:8A-11.1

Current through L. 2023, c. 349.
Section 34:8A-11.1 - Duties of commissioner

The commissioner or his designated representative shall investigate and gather data with respect to matters which may aid in carrying out the provisions of this act. In any case in which a complaint has been filed with the commissioner regarding a violation of this act or with respect to which the commissioner has reasonable grounds to believe that a crew leader has violated any provisions of this act, the commissioner or his designated representative shall investigate and gather data respecting such case, and may, in connection therewith, issue subpenas requiring the attendance and testimony of witnesses or the production of any evidence in connection with such investigation. The commissioner or any agent designated by him for such purposes may administer oaths and affirmations, examine witnesses, and receive evidence.

In addition, the commissioner shall affirmatively monitor and investigate the activities and operations of crew leaders as described in this act without respect to specific complaints, at such frequency and in such a manner as is reasonably necessary to assure the enforcement of the provisions of this act by adopting and implementing a plan to include, as a minimum, (1) the interviewing each month, April through November, of a representative cross section of seasonal farm workers employed by virtue of the services of crew leaders registered with the State, and (2) the making of periodic inspections of records such as those required by subsection a. of section 4 (C. 34:8A-10) of the act hereby supplemented.

N.J.S. § 34:8A-11.1

L.1975, c.49, s.7, eff. 4/7/1975.