N.J. Stat. § 34:5A-31

Current through L. 2024, c. 40.
Section 34:5A-31 - Remedies
a. Whenever, on the basis of information available to him, the Commissioner of Environmental Protection finds that an employer is in violation of subsection b. of section 7, or of subsection b. or c. of section 9 of this act, or any rule and regulation adopted pursuant thereto, or the Commissioner of Health finds that an employer is in violation of subsection a. of section 7, or of section 10, 11, 12, 13, or 14 of this act, or any rule and regulation adopted pursuant thereto, the Commissioner of Environmental Protection, or the Commissioner of Health, as the case may be, shall:
(1) Issue an order in accordance with subsection b. of this section requiring the employer to comply;
(2) Bring a civil action in accordance with subsection c. of this section;
(3) Levy a civil administrative penalty in accordance with subsection d. of this section; or
(4) Bring an action for a civil penalty in accordance with subsection e. of this section.

The exercise of any of the remedies provided in this section shall not preclude recourse to any other remedy so provided.

b. Whenever, on the basis of information available to him, the Commissioner of Environmental Protection finds that an employer is in violation of subsection b. of section 7, or of subsection b. or c. of section 9 of this act or any rule or regulation adopted pursuant thereto, or the Commissioner of Health finds that an employer is in violation of subsection a. of section 7, or of section 10, 11, 12, 13, or 14 of this act, or any rule or regulation adopted pursuant thereto, the Commissioner of Environmental Protection or the Commissioner of Health, as the case may be, may issue an order (1) specifying the provision or provisions of this act, or the rule or regulation adopted pursuant thereto of which the employer is in violation; (2) citing the action which caused the violation; (3) requiring compliance with the provision of this act or the rules and regulations adopted pursuant thereto of which he is in violation; and (4) giving notice to the employer of his right to a hearing on the matters contained in the order.
c. The Commissioner of Environmental Protection or the Commissioner of Health, as appropriate, is authorized to commence a civil action in Superior Court for appropriate relief from a violation of this act. This relief may include an assessment against the violator for the costs of any investigation, inspection, or monitoring survey which led to the discovery and establishment of the violation, and for the reasonable costs of preparing and litigating the case under this subsection.
d. The Commissioner of Environmental Protection or the Commissioner of Health, as appropriate, is authorized to impose a civil administrative penalty of not more than $2,500.00 for each violation and additional penalties of not more than $1,000.00 for each day during which a violation continues after receipt of an order from the commissioner to cease the violation. Any amount imposed under this subsection shall fall within a range established by regulation by the commissioner for violations of similar type, seriousness, and duration. No civil administrative penalty shall be imposed until after the employer has been notified by certified mail or personal service. The notice shall include a reference to the section of the act, rule, regulation or order violated; a concise statement of the facts alleged to constitute a violation; a statement of the amount of the civil administrative penalties to be imposed; and a statement of the employer's right to a hearing. The employer shall have 20 days from receipt of the notice within which to deliver to the commissioner a written request for a hearing. Subsequent to the hearing and upon finding that a violation has occurred, the commissioner may issue a final order after imposing the amount of the fine specified in the notice. If no hearing is requested, the notice shall become a final order upon the expiration of the 20-day period. Payment of the penalty is due when a final order is issued or when the notice becomes a final order. The authority to levy a civil administrative penalty is in addition to all other enforcement provisions in this act, and the payment of a civil administrative penalty shall not be deemed to affect the availability of any other enforcement provision in connection with the violation for which the penalty is levied. A civil administrative penalty imposed under this section may be compromised by the commissioner upon the posting of a performance bond by the employer, or upon terms and conditions the commissioner may establish by regulation.
e. An employer who violates this act, an order issued pursuant to subsection b. of this section, or a court order issued pursuant to subsection c. of this section, or who fails to pay in full a civil administrative penalty levied pursuant to subsection d. of this section, shall be subject, upon order of a court, to a civil penalty not to exceed $2,500.00 for each day during which the violation continues. An employer who willfully or knowingly violates this act, or who willfully or knowingly makes a false statement, representation, or certification in any document filed or required to be maintained under this act, or who falsifies, tampers with, or knowingly renders inaccurate any monitoring device required to be maintained pursuant to this act, is subject upon order of a court, to a civil penalty of not less than $10,000.00, nor more than $5,000.00 per day of violation. Any penalty imposed pursuant to this subsection may be collected, and any costs incurred in connection therewith may be recovered, in a summary proceeding pursuant to "the penalty enforcement law" (N.J.S. 2A:58-1 et seq.). The Superior Court shall have jurisdiction to enforce "the penalty enforcement law."

N.J.S. § 34:5A-31

L.1983, c.315, s.33; amended 1991, c.91, s.345.